Thursday, August 17, 2006

Could You Live WIth This Lot?

These are hand carved stone, weigh almost half a ton and could be on the side of the house, but not all of them! Posted by Picasa

Veru Pleased With The Lead Work on The Front Windows

Very nice detail on the lead facias and valleys on the roof. You may need to enlarge the picture to see the studwork and twirls. Posted by Picasa

Roof Goes On The Carport

Could this be the beginnings of a garage? Could I add another couple of bays and even link it into the shed on the left. But not thinking about the next project until this one is finished. Posted by Picasa

This is main adult guest room.

We have added a skylite and about 5 foot to the room. It has now been reroofed on both sides and is due to have a new hard wood double glazed window. It's coming on! Posted by Picasa

Plenty of Head Room Here

The two 5" sets down gives me plenty of head room, although I may put a 'Max Head Room' sign up got Jon Rea and Jaques! Posted by Picasa

Knocking Through Upstairs

Note the frame for the bedroom extension. Posted by Picasa